Elbaite, Gillette Quarry
Welcome to the
Meriden Mineral Club

In the interest of greater education and enjoyment of lapidary, mineral, or fossil arts and science, the club voted at the June 2005 meeting to provide any member an allotment of funds for reimbursement admission costs for visiting museums or exhibits that feature these items.


1.    Dues must be paid for the year and you must be a member in good standing.

2.    Reimbursement will consist of admission fees only to a museum or exhibit that has mineral, gem, and/or fossil displays.

3.    Any museum or exhibit worldwide the features a mineral, gem, and/or fossil display qualifies for reimbursement.

4.    Each club membership will be allotted $25 for an individual membership and $50 for a family membership.

5.    To be reimbursed you must turn in to the treasurer a valid admission receipt from the museum or exhibit that was visited.

6.    Mineral shows, swaps, sales, symposiums, or camps do not qualify for reimbursement, nor do items purchased at the above-mentioned events or at museums or exhibits.

7.    Club-sponsored museum or exhibit trips will not count against a member's yearly allotment for visit reimbursement.

8.    Travel expenses to and from museums or exhibits do not qualify for reimbursement.